Monday, January 28, 2008

Organization of the Human body

  1. Explain the difference between anatomy and physiology. : anatomy is the study of structures and physiology is the study of the functions of the structures
  2. Please organize the following structures in order from smallest to largest: system, tissue, organ, and cell.: cell, tissue, organ, system
  3. In the term physiology the suffix -logy means what? the study of
  4. What is the type of membrane that lines all of the passages leading the exterior? mucous
  5. What do you call a mass of cells that all perform the same function? tissue
  6. What type of tissue is specialized for the conduction of nerve impulses? nerve tissue
  7. The term epidermis contains a prefix and a root term. What is the root in this word and what does it mean? What is the prefix in this word and what does it mean? derm means skin, epi means upon
  8. The term cavity appears frequently in this lesson. What does it mean?any hole or hollow area
  9. Name the four main types of tissue and describe their function. : epithelial: covers the entire surface of body (skin), connective: supports and protects , muscle: contraction, and nerve: conduction of neural impulse
  10. A cell is made of ___cytoplasm_______________ except for the nucleus which is made of ______protons and neutrons____________.
  11. What type of membrane lines joint cavities and outer surfaces of bones? Fibrous
  12. What is an organ system? when two or more tissues combine
  13. Name the five types of membranes and where each is located. cutaneous: everywhere, mucous- lines passageways to the body, serous:lines joints, fibrous: lines closed cavities, fascia: covers muscle blood vessels
  14. What is the function of the cell membrane? to protect the cell The nucleus? the control center
  15. The cutaneous membrane is made of two distinct layers. Name each of these layers and describe what they are made of. Epidermis-it’s harder skin where there’s more pressure. Dermis-lubricates hair and skin and regulates body temperature.

1 comment:

Duval said...

Excellent!! Only half of number 10 is wrong.