Thursday, January 31, 2008

Study Questions in Anatomy Text

-Chapter one:

critical thinking:

2. In health, body parts interact to maintain homeostasis. Illness may threaten homeostasis, requiring treatments. What treatments might be used to help control a patient's

(a) body temperature: Something hot or cold applied to thier head
(b) blood oxygen concentration: They could be put on a oxygen mask
(c) water content: They could get a iv with water fluids

4. If a patient complanied of a stomachache and pointed to the umbilical region as the site of discomfort, which organs located in this region might be the source of the pain? the intestines

Review Exercises:

Part A

2. Distinguish between anatomy and physiology.- anatomy deals with the structures of body parts and physiology considers the functions of these body parts.

4. List and describe ten characteristics of life.- movement, responsiveness, growth, reproduction, respiration, digestion, absorption, circulation, assimilation, excretion

6. List and describe five requirments of organisms.- water, food, oxygen, heat, pressure

7. Explain how the idea of homeostasis relates to the five requirments you listed in item 6.- homeostasis keeps our internal environment stable and constant even though our outside environment such as food and heat.

11. Describe how homeostatic mechanisms act by negative feedback.- increased repiratory activity that maintains blood levels of oxygen in the internal environment during hard excercise.

13. Distinguish between the axial and appendicular portions of the body.- axial includes the head, neck and trunk. The appendicular includes the upper and lower limbs.

14. Distinguish between the dorsal and ventral body cavities, and name the smaller cavities within each. dorsal: subdivided into two parts- cranial cavity; brain and verterbral canal; spinal cord. Ventral: thoracic and abdominopelvic.

Part B

1. Name the body cavity housing each of the following organs:

(a) stomach- abdominal

(b) heart- mediastinum (thoracic)

(c) brain- cranial (dorsal)

(d) liver- abdominal

(e) trachea- mediastinum (thoracic)

(f) rectum- pelvic

(g) spinal cord- verterbral (dorsal)

(h) esophagus- mediastinum (thoracic)

(i) spleen- abdominal

(j) urinary bladder- pelvic

3. Prepare a sketch of a human body, and use lines to indicate each of the following regions:

(a) epigastric

(b) umbilical

(c) hypogastric

(d) hypochondriac

(e) lumbar

(f) iliac

Chapter 3:

Critical Thinking:
1. Which process-diffusion, osmosis, or filtration-accounts for the following situations?
a. Injection of a drug that is hypertonic to the tissues stimulates pain.-Osmosis
b. A person with extremely low blood pressure stops producing urine.-Diffusion
c. The concentration of urea in the dialyzing fluid of an artificial kidney is kept low.-Filtration

Review Exercises:

2. Describe how the shapes of nerve, epithelial, and muscle cells are well suited to their functions. -Nerve cells are long and stringy. they support the electrical impulses over them.
-Muscle cells are thick and can stretch and contract. This allows muscle movement.
-Epithelial cells can stretch and are flexible to allow movement without snapping. They also have pores so sweat can be released.

3. Name the major components of a cell, and describe how they interact.
nucleus, mitochondria, and the cell membrane.
Nucleus: The control center.
Mitochondria: Stores energy and allows the cell to use the energy for basic functions.
Cell Membrane: Holds all organelles within the cell together and allows materials to leave and enter the cell.
Interaction- the cell needs something to control it, it also needs something to store and hold everything together

12. Describe the structures and functions of each of the following:
a. endoplasmic reticulum-Smooth: breakdown of lipids, soluble toxins in liver cells, and control of calcium release in muscle cell contraction. Rough: ribosomes lie on its surface and the proteins on these collect for transport throughout the cell.
b. ribosome-Are packets of RNA. Messenger RNA from the cell nucleus is moved along the ribosome while transfer RNA adds individual amino acid molecules to the protein chain.
c. Golgi appartus-A stack of membrane-bound vesicles that are important in packaging macromolecules for transport in cell.
d. mitochondria-Provides energy
e. lysosome-Contain hydrolytic enzymes necessary for inracellular digestion.
f. peroxisome-Responsible for protecting the cell against its own toxic hydrogen peroxide.
g. cilium- a hair-like structure found outside the cell which aids in the cell's movement.
h. flagellum- a hair-like structure found outside the cells that aids in movement.
i. centrosome-An area in the cell where microtubles are produced.
j. vesicle- stores and transports substances.
k. microfilament-A protein filament found in golgi
l. microtubule-A protein filament found in golgi

13. Describe the structure of the nucleus and the functions of its contents. The nucleus is the control center of the cell. It contains DNA and is responsible for the unique characteristics of the cell.

14. Distinguish between diffusion and facilitated diffusion.
Diffusion is when everything dissolves in a substance, and facilitated diffusion is diffusion when only some particles can dissolve and pass through.
Chapter 5:

Review Exercises:

1. Define tissue.-A group of cells performing a similar function.

2. Name the four major types of tissue found in the human body.-Epithelium, Connective, Muscle, and Nervous Tissue

12. Describe the general characteristics of connective tissue.-Holds everything together; blood and bones are connective tissues.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Organization of the Human body

  1. Explain the difference between anatomy and physiology. : anatomy is the study of structures and physiology is the study of the functions of the structures
  2. Please organize the following structures in order from smallest to largest: system, tissue, organ, and cell.: cell, tissue, organ, system
  3. In the term physiology the suffix -logy means what? the study of
  4. What is the type of membrane that lines all of the passages leading the exterior? mucous
  5. What do you call a mass of cells that all perform the same function? tissue
  6. What type of tissue is specialized for the conduction of nerve impulses? nerve tissue
  7. The term epidermis contains a prefix and a root term. What is the root in this word and what does it mean? What is the prefix in this word and what does it mean? derm means skin, epi means upon
  8. The term cavity appears frequently in this lesson. What does it mean?any hole or hollow area
  9. Name the four main types of tissue and describe their function. : epithelial: covers the entire surface of body (skin), connective: supports and protects , muscle: contraction, and nerve: conduction of neural impulse
  10. A cell is made of ___cytoplasm_______________ except for the nucleus which is made of ______protons and neutrons____________.
  11. What type of membrane lines joint cavities and outer surfaces of bones? Fibrous
  12. What is an organ system? when two or more tissues combine
  13. Name the five types of membranes and where each is located. cutaneous: everywhere, mucous- lines passageways to the body, serous:lines joints, fibrous: lines closed cavities, fascia: covers muscle blood vessels
  14. What is the function of the cell membrane? to protect the cell The nucleus? the control center
  15. The cutaneous membrane is made of two distinct layers. Name each of these layers and describe what they are made of. Epidermis-it’s harder skin where there’s more pressure. Dermis-lubricates hair and skin and regulates body temperature.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Drills on diction

  1. adip- fat; adipose- fatty tissue -Adipose provides insulation.
  2. bio- life; biology – the study of life -I took biology last semester with Dr. Mausdley.
  3. capit- head; decapitate- to take off the head -Back in the old days, they would decapitate people as punishment.
  4. cephal- head; cephalad- toward the head - Cephalad is a surgical term.
  5. corp- body; corpus- the main part of a bodily structure or organ - The corpus was in the morgue awaiting identification.
  6. crani- skull; cranium- pertaining to the skull - The cranium is located inside the head.
  7. dent- tooth; dentist – one who specializes in the study of teeth -I went to the dentist today, and they said my teeth were clean!
  8. hist- tissue; histology - the study of tissues - Histology is a subject that can be taken in medical school.
  9. later- side; lateral- pertaining to the side -The patient was turned lateral to the ultrasound machine.
  10. ocul- eye; oculist –one who specializes in the study of the eye - I went to the oculist (or ophthalmologist) today for an eye exam.
  11. oste- bone; osteoporosis-pores or holes in bones - My grandma says she’s at the age to get osteoporosis, so she is taking medication to stregthen her bones.
  12. phag- eat; phagocyte- a cell that eats - One type of white blood cells is the phagocyte.
  13. pleur- side; pleuraPublish Post- Serious infection can affect the plerua and create pain and difficulty breathing.
  14. quad- four; quadruplets- a group of four related by behavior - The lady’s belly was huge; turns out she’s having quadruplets!
  15. stern- chest; sternum-pertaining to the bone in the chest - The sternum is a important bone in our body.
  16. alb- white; albino-lacking normal pigmentation - The mixture of genes sometimes makes people albino.
  17. ad- toward; adrenaline-epinephrine - When I got to the top of the ride acrophobia I got an adrenaline rush!
  18. angi- vessel; angiograph- record of a vessel -A angiograph allows the doctor to examine the vessels to determine a better diagnosis.
  19. auto- self; autobiography- story of one's life written by self - I hate reading autobiographies!
  20. centi- hundred; centimeter- a unit of length equal to 1/100 of a meter - In math one of the first measurements you learn is the centimeter.
  21. circum- around; circumference-the boundary line of a circle - My baby’s head was 13.5 inches in circumference.
  22. dextro- right; dextrin-a white or yellow powder used chiefly as an adhesive - A low molecular weight carbohydrate is also now as dextrin.
  23. epi- upon; epidural-located around the dura mater- As soon as I got an epidural, I was numb!
  24. ex- out of; extension- the position assumed by extending a limb - It is a good idea to extend your limbs and stretch prior to jogging.
  25. inter- between; internal- inside of the body -The doctor said I need serious surgery because of my internal bleeding.
  26. non- not; nonviable- not living - A miscarriage occurs when there is a nonviable fetus.
  27. ortho- straight; orthodontics-one who specializes in the straightening of teeth - I want my teeth to be straight, so I’m going to the orthodontics.
  28. path- disease; pathological-pertaining to the origin - A pathologist studies the causes or origins of diseases.
  29. pseudo- false; pseudopodium- Amoebas have pseudopodia.
  30. sinistro- left; sinistrad- toward the left side - The body was facing sinistrad to the surgeon.
  31. cide- kill; pesticide-a solution designed to kill - Pesticide really does help keep bugs away.
  32. it is- inflame; hepatitis-inflammatino of the liver - The hepatitis B shot is very important to our health.
  33. logy- study of; biology- study of life - Biology is the study of life and a very popular subject for students that are pre-med.
  34. meter- measure; thermometer-instrument used to measure - I thought I had a fever, so I checked my temperature with my thermometer.
  35. plasty- formed; osteoplasty- formation of bone - Orthopedics involves learning all about the bones, including osteoplasty.
  36. scope- examine; microscope- instrument used to examine - We looked at all kinds of bacteria through the microscope.

Introduction to Anatomy Vocabulary on NovaNET

  1. frontal plane- A plane parallel to the long axis of the body and perpendicular to the sagittal plane that separates the body into front and back portions.
  2. sagittal plane- A longitudinal plane that divides the body of a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left sections.
  3. Transverse plane- a plane across the body at right angles to the coronal and sagittal plane and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a body or object; also, a plane dividing the body into an upper and lower section; also called horizontal plane.
  4. Medial- near the median plane.
  5. superficial- near the surface
  6. Superior- higher in place or position; situated above another.
  7. Inferior- lower in place or position; situated beneath another.
  8. Anterior- pertaining to or toward the front plane of the body, equivalent to the ventral surface of quadrupeds.
  9. Posterior- pertaining to or toward the back plane of the body, equivalent to the dorsal surface of quadrupeds.
  10. distal- situated away from the point of origin or attachment, as of a limb or bone; terminal.
  11. proximal- situated toward the point of origin or attachment, as of a limb or bone
  12. flexion- the act of bending a limb.
  13. extension- the act of straightening a limb.
  14. pronation- rotation of the hand or forearm so that the surface of the palm is facing downward or toward the back
  15. supine- lying face or front upward
  16. abduction- moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body
  17. adduction- To draw inward toward the median axis of the body or toward an adjacent part or limb.
  18. circumduction- The circular movement of a limb such that the distal end of the limb delineates an arc.
  19. inversion- the turning inward of a part, as the foot.
  20. eversion- a turning or being turned outward or inside out.
  21. elevation- the height to which something is elevated or to which it rises
  22. depression- a depressed or sunken place or part; an area lower than the surrounding surface., or sadness; gloom; dejection
  23. anatomical position- position of the body with the face directed forward, the arms at the side, and the palms of the hands facing forward, used as a reference in describing the relation of body parts to one another.
  24. dorsal- situated on or toward the upper side of the body, equivalent to the back, or posterior, in humans.
  25. ventral- situated on or toward the lower, abdominal plane of the body; equivalent to the front, or anterior, in humans.
  26. interior- the internal or inner part; inside
  27. exterior- outer; being on the outer side
  28. peripheral- near the surface or outside of; external
  29. lateral- near the side